Monday, September 23, 2013

The Monster in Ryokan Response

In the observational essay, The Monster in Ryokan, the author, Mary Roach, describes the way she feels staying in the ryokan (Japanese Inn). Her line, "I lumbered down the footpath, crashing into bicycles and trampling tiny ornamental trees," really set the imagery for me. I can relate to this as well. For my last semester of my senior year, I had a class where I went to the elementary school and helped out the kindergarten. I always felt like a cumbersome giant in that classroom, even though I'm only 5'4". Walking into the class everyday, I felt that if I made one wrong step I might flatten a five year old. The tables were also at the perfect height to leave everyday with bruises forming on your shins. Don't even get me started about the chairs. When I sat down in those tiny chairs, I would silently pray for them not to break. Both Mary Roach and I have had to adapt to different surroundings. Mary had to adapt to the cultural differences of Japan, while I adapted to the size difference of the elementary school.

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