Sunday, November 17, 2013


A passion is something every human should have in order to not only survive, but to thrive as well within this world. I have a passion of painting, and to be more specific, watercolors is my choice of mediums. The saying, “the pen is mightier than the sword,” has nothing on the brush. With a brush in my hand, I can release whatever jumbled thoughts that are fogging up my brain. My love for watercolor painting is not just a passion, it’s a therapy. I didn’t discover this passion until my senior year of high school, when my grandmother was painting at my house. Ever since, I’ve always had the desire to push the watercolors across the page and make something beautiful.   It’s so important to use art as an outlet. It doesn’t necessarily need to be watercolors, because any form of art will help release any problems or worries you have. 

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