Friday, October 25, 2013

Advertisements Analyzed

For my two advertisements, I picked two commercials that were shown during the Super Bowl. The first one I'm going to discuss is the Volkswagen commercial. The little boy, who strives to be the Jedi from the Dark Side, Darth Vader, goes around his house all day trying to use The Force. Every time he tries, he doesn't seem to succeed. His last attempt to use The Force that day was when his dad comes home from work. He runs out to the driveway and tries with all his might to start his dad's car, and to his amazement, the engine roars to life. Then you see the father through the kitchen window with the keys. His father wanted his son's dream to come true. The little boy had used The Force.
The entire commercial has the well known theme song to Star Wars, as the viewer is following the boy around. The commercial has you rooting for the little boy to be successful with The Force, which is satisfied at the end with the Volkswagen Passat firing up. The commercial makes you feel like a kid again, when you were running through the house trying to be a superhero or a magical princess. This commercial sends you back in time to when you tried to be come the Great, and Powerful figure you idolized as a child.
This leads into the second commercial I chose, which is called Find Your Greatness: The Jogger. The scene is set on a country road, in the early morning. The voice over talks about reaching your inner greatness and potential, which is motivating. You see a figure begin to appear on the horizon, and you would assume it was some super star athlete as the spokesperson for the Nike brand, but it's not. It's a heavy set boy running in a pair of plain Nike shoes. He's striving to be the best he can be. It makes you feel like you should go out and strive for your own personal best, just like this kid is. This boy makes you feel like you can do it because he's doing it. In the end, you need to JUST DO IT.

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