Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Zoomed In Description

Bright green, soft, squishy and cool, the grass leading to the bank feels wonderful between my toes. I usually close my eyes and turn my face up to the sun’s warmth, listening to the rush of the water. The closer to the edge of the water, the cooler everything gets. By the time my toes are in the water lapping gently onto the bank, the temperature has dropped down at least ten degrees. The water is always ice cold, but in the summers it’s euphoria to jump into the Cartecay.

The Quandt Family’s cabin in Ellijay is one of my favorite places in the world, and I hope that anyone reading this is able to understand just why I love it there so much. I love the river, the large, hill of a yard and just the peaceful area. The cabin is a place I go when I need to get away from the world. I can live life without the iPhones and TV shows that everyone seems to have as an extension of their hand these days. I can be myself and enjoy life’s simplest things for a weekend. 

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